About Redpillring.com
I'm David and like far too many men, I suffered from suicidal depression after loosing my family in a divorce to an adulterous wife. I was a model husband and father. I worked hard, became a lawyer so that my wife could fulfill her dream of being a stay at home mother. I spent my evenings and weekends caring for my family and driving them to activities. When my wife had a problem, I would agree to marriage counseling where I would learn that I just wasn't doing enough. I tried to apply everything the "experts" said, but the more I worked and sacrificed the more angry and unhappy my wife became. I finally caught her having an affair and she left me, taking my daughters and demanding $10,000/month. I had dedicatedmy life to my family, and suddenly it was gone.
I had done everything that I could and everything was not enough. I was not enough. I felt worthless and death seemed the only way to end my pain. All the advice I received, professional and personal, told me that I needed drugs and to "get back out there" and find a new woman. That would solve my problems.
Then while researching divorce on the internet I ran across a site that promoted a (to me) radical new idea. Instead of seeking a woman to whom he can dedicate his life, a man is better off peacefully going his own way in life alone. He should centrate his energies on making the most of his life for himself rather than sacrificing it for some woman and hoping that he is not one of the 50% who gets his life destroyed. in divorce.
This was strange for me because I was trained and conditioned to beleive that a man became a man by dedicating and sacrificing his life for a woman. A man who rejected "commitment" and the "responsibilities of manhood" was "selfish", "weak", and "worthless".
Then, being trrained in economics, the word "worthless" struck me.
If something has value, then it should never be wasted or sacrificed without receiving something of equal or greater value in return. If my life has intrinsic value, then I don't need to sacrifice it to obtain value. I should not be seeking to dedicate it to someone without demanding an equal return. (For example, why does a man become obligated to dedicate his life and resources to a woman just because she has been willingly giving him free sex for some period of time, especially if she has given this free service to other men as well.) If a woman gives her body to me (and other guys) for free, then she had devalued her body to zero. If she then expects me to dedicate my life to her, she is devaluing my life to zero. Furthermore, under "no fault" law, no promise is enforceable. A man legally obligates his life and resources while getting nothing in return. Therefore, "committment' does not give a man value, it devalues a man to nothing. So naturally women treat men as worthless.
I finally understood my marriage. My wife treated me as an otherwise worthless ATM machine because in marrying her, we had established my value at zero. I then realized that it is immoral to say that a man has some inherent duty to dedicate his life to a woman because that ethos devalues men's lives to zero.
I felt my strength return. I stopped asking why a woman would want me and instead asked why I would want one of them.
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I then took a step back and realized that "marriage" is a contract. It is legally defined as a contract but we have no "marriage lawyers". We have contract lawyers and estate planning lawyers to advise people on other contracts, but no lawyers specializing it the most important and costly contract of a man's life. This is because things that are normal in marriage are absolutely illegal in any other form of contract. A lawyer would be sued for malpractice and possibly disbarred if he ever allowed his client to sign a contract that had the basic prinsiples and provisions of marriage. What would happen to the car industry if we had "no fault" car loans? Imagine a law that allowed a man to take out a loan, then with no negative affects, keep the car and stop making payments. Banks would stop making car loans and the industry would collapse. Yet "experts" seem mystified as to why men no longer want marriage or "committment". "Experts" hide this simple fact with talk of "love" and some "decline in morality".
The fact is, law and punishment is designed to influence behavior. By punishing destructive behavior, the law limits that behavior. Modern "Family Law" rewards women for destructive behavior and so we have more destruction. After passing "no fault" divorce law, the divorce rate immediately shot from 10% to 50%. People suffered but the legal industry boomed. As boys were seperated from their fathers, crime skyrocketted and so did the demand for criminal lawyers, police and prisons.
. My marriage counselors did not fail to improve my marriage. They succeeded in generating $1,000's in extra fees. The industry could not survive if couples got along and fathers were home to raise their children. I realized that I had not failed in marriage, I finished a rigged game designed to destroy my family, life, and children.
Our entire relationship paradigm is designed to destroy human lives while enriching those industries that feed off the destruction.
This is why the legal industry tries to classify men who reject "commitment" and want to live alone in peace as a "hate group" and suppress our free speech and rights.
I realized that we have a strong and growing online community, but only online, Because of the social distain and our desire to live in peace, we tend to be isolated. I have also met many men who share the philosophy but think that they are alone. When a man is attacked and told that this is a philosophy for "loosers who can't get a woman" it would be nice if he could point to men that he knew: "Look at Bob, Fred, and Joe, they are successful, happy, and well adjusted men." What if you could walk into a room and immediately identify a like minded brother? I thought that we should have a means to identify each other and that subtly says "F-you world, my life has value and I won't be shamed". Then I thought of rings. From the dawn of civilization men decorated their hands as a symbol of power and association. In our modern world the primary men's ring is a symbol of our subjugation.
We are a growing community. There might be men at your work, gym, bar, or place of worship who hold the same belief, but you don't know. Like the Masons use rings to identify each other, I thought that we too should employee this ancient and subtle symbol of our brotherhood. - Get yours today!
You can learn more about how and why our modern paradigm destroys lives by getting a copy of "The Empress has no clothes".